The project brief was to develop a master plan for the entire campus and to redesign some of the existing structures while providing a face lift to the main engineering block. The proposal also included the design of the new manangement block and the...
The house has been built on the existing foundation of the old house and certain portions were added and extended. The design philosophy was to use local materials and traditional low cost system of construction. The usage of mud plaster, filler slabs,...
The design brief was to design a weekend gateway in a vernacular style.The site is filled with various trees. The house design blends within the landscape by wrapping around the trees which provides shade and visual relief. ...
The GUBBA RESIDENCE is a single unit having a joint family, consisting of 10 members. The house has been developed with a single theme. Common areas in the house have a contemporary theme while individual bedrooms have varying theme. The house has a swimming pool, a...
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